Training in Structured Literacy for Teachers, Tutors and Parents

Structured Literacy Course A Online
All About Sounds: Phonology to Phonics (6 Hours) $250pp
All About Sounds: Phonology to Phonics is the pre-requisite course for all other Structured Literacy Courses. It teaches the basic neuroscience of how the brain learns to read, write & spell and the neuro-biological factors that can impede the process. Learn how to assess each component of a student’s literacy proficiency and be given the practical strategies needed to develop the following foundational skills in depth:
Concepts of Spoken Language, including words in a sentence and syllables in a word, all developed through Nursery Rhyme, Singing and Movement.
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness including phoneme segmentation, blending, isolation and manipulation.
Recognition of short and long vowel sounds in spoken words.
Phonics introduced systematically and explicitly using a sound- to-symbol approach, and following a clear scope and sequence.
Introductory Decoding and Encoding of single words, taught using a Multisensory Structured Language (MSL) approach.
Reading of text using Decodable Readers that contain only the single words previously introduced in decoding and encoding tasks.
The complimentary teaching resources for the program (PDF’s & Power Points) follow a clear scope and sequence and can be used for whole-class initial literacy instruction for Pre-Schoolers & Kindergarteners, or as targeted intervention for small-groups and individuals.

Completing Structured Literacy Course A Online - All About Sounds: Phonology to Phonics will contribute 6 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum/Early Years Learning Framework addressing standard descriptors 2.1.2, 2.5.2, 5.1.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Course B - Beginning Decoding and Encoding*
(6 Hours) $250pp *Prerequisite - Completion of Course A
Course B – Beginning Decoding and Encoding teaches how to systematically introduce the rules
associated with the encoding and decoding of English language structures. Learn how to differentiate spelling instruction so that students know what multisensory strategies to use to anchor phonemically decodable words versus true “sight words”. Teach reading, writing and spelling simultaneously using a structured, sequential and cumulative approach based on a clear Scope and Sequence and 30 units, each unit containing the following components:
Stimulus Poster related to the language structure in focus and its associated spelling rule(s).
Phonemic Awareness activity for practicing spoken words containing the targeted language structure.
Single-Word Reading and Spelling List.
Sight Words that will be encountered in the Unit’s Sentences and Passages.
Sentences for Reading and Dictation containing words with the targeted structure.
A Decodable Passage with Oral Comprehension Questions.
A Writing Prompt related to the reading passage for Interactive Journaling or Guided Writing practice.
Learn how to assess and track each component of a student’s literacy proficiency using the Structured Literacy Diagnostic Assessment, which builds on the initial assessment included in Structured Literacy Course A. The complimentary teaching resources for the program (PDF’s & Power Points) can be used for whole-class literacy instruction for Years 1-2, or as targeted intervention for small-groups and individuals.

Completing Structured Literacy Course B - Begining Decoding and Encoding will contribute 6 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptors 2.1.2, 2.5.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Course C & C2 - Consolidation of Reading Writing and Spelling**
(2 Days) $500pp **Prerequisite - Completion of Course B
Course C & C2 - Consolidating Reading, Writing and Spelling provides strategies and resources to develop students’:
Understanding of Morphology and its applications to reading, writing, and spelling.
Critical Comprehension and Analysis of text.
Oral Discussion skills around quality literature and author’s literary techniques.
Writing composition and the processes involved in producing a quality piece.
Metacognition and Self-evaluation
Discover where each student is operating on the Literacy Continuum and differentiate your instruction accordingly. Learn how to plan out your teaching year around Essential Understandings. and develop targeted literacy skills within the context of key learning areas. Find out why writing across the curriculum is so powerful for consolidating enduring learning. Learn practical ways to successfully integrate interactive journaling and collaborative writing as powerhouse strategies to create a supportive classroom environment for all students, especially those with learning differences like dyslexia and dysgraphia. The complimentary teaching resources for the program (PDF’s & Power Points) can be used for whole-class literacy instruction for Years 3-5, or as targeted intervention for small-groups and individuals.